Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Haunted by Fiber

You think I'm kidding.

I couldn't sleep last night because I kept dreaming of Bouton D'or Ksar - a yarn I had seen yesterday at my not-so-LYS. It was a clearance yarn, and I knew I had remarked the name in my head for some reason but couldn't remember why. Not having a particular lust for aran-weight yarns (I go for laceweight everytime), I resisted and left. After coming home, I looked it up and saw it was a camel fiber blend, which I wanted to try. And then it haunted me.

I had bought some Koigu in a rich orange-red color. Previously, I'd had a skein of KPPPM in similar shades, but I'd meant to trade it away after I'd found better matching skeins for my Charlotte's Web shawl. It was a shame I didn't still have it because it matched what I'd gotten so well. This morning I dug out the trade-yarn bag, and discovered I did still have it! And then I remembered that the not-so-LYS had had a couple more skeins in the same color yesterday.

I lasted half an hour until I jumped in car and went right back to the not-so-LYS.

I may be poorer, but I have five skeins of red-orange Koigu, and some really soft camel yarn to boot. Poor, but very satisfied.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

When Yarn Attacks... must do as it commands.

They're after me; they all want me to knit them!

(a.k.a.) I didn't want to work today, so I looked up new knitting books in between teaching classes.

The first - Clara Parke's yarn handbook. I had to buy this one today; mostly because it has great info about yarn. Although a couple of the projects are calling me - linen basket liners (and I have linen!) and a felted bag...I'm not interested in most. I had hoped that by not purchasing the other book I want (below) I could avoid the must. knit. now. delirium. (As I am desperately trying to make some FO's.)

So this book - Knitting New Scarves - is on my purchase ASAP list. These scarves are gorgeous, intriguing in construction, and just fun. There are three in there that I want to make right this minute.

And on top of all of it - I'm getting an urge to knit a sweater. Never mind all the sweater yarn I have on my bookcase waiting to become Starsky.

I want to make a Perfect Sweater. Can I handle the endless stockinette? I don't know. I do know that the cold rain we have here today probably has affected this desire. Now...what color of Cascade 220 do I want...